Museum Pieces, a Bowdoin tradition for more than 20 years, capped off this year’s Common Hour series. The annual event, performed on the steps of the Museum of Art, celebrates the arrival of spring through dance and music provided by the Department of Theater and Dance, class projects and independent student work. This year’s show featured a farewell dance for President Barry Mills and his wife, Karen.
Alex Cornell du Houx Bowdoin College Museum Steps
The performers, in order of appearance, are Taiko (:08), Vague (5:10) and Obvious (8:30). The Farewell Dance begins at 11:28, and along with a troop of student dancers, the dance features Dean for Academic Affairs Cristle Collins Judd, faculty, special guest Kate Kearns ’14, and Assistant Dean of First Year Students Michael Wood.
Photos by Alex Cornell du Houx ’08 and Michele Stapleton
Published at: http://community.bowdoin.edu/news/2015/05/museum-pieces-2015-a-tribute-to-president-mills/
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